Local Associations are the backbone of WMTA and MTNA.

At the local level, you are able to engage regularly with other music teachers.  You are able to attend meetings and programs as well as implement student events such as festivals and competitions.  WMTA has 13 local associations located around the state.  Each local has its own flavor and objectives but all include members who are part of WMTA and MTNA. Click on the link below to learn more about each specific group.


CVMTA   Chippewa Valley Music Teachers Association
President: Esther Pedigo, esther.pedigo@gmail.com

FVMTA   Fox Valley Music Teachers Association
President: Stacey Kraus, NCTM sakraus2@gmail.com

GMC WMTA   Greater Milwaukee Chapter
President: Chrissy Deal, chrissy.deal@gmail.com

KRMTA   Kenosha Racine Music Teachers Association
President: Deborah Masloski, dmasloski@gmail.com

LAMTA   La Crosse Area Music Teachers Association
President: Reene Sampson, reene.ann.sampson@gmail.com

MAME   Madison Area Music Educators
President: Shad Wenzlaff, wenzlaffsh@yahoo.com

MMTA   Michibago Music Teachers Association
President: Tricia Marton, NCTM, tm@martonmusicstudio.com

OAMTA   Oshkosh Area Music Teachers Association
President: Annemarie Birschbach, ajbach@att.net

RRMTA   Rock River Music Teachers Association
President: Julie Hildebrandt, davidh53@frontier.com

SAMTA   Superior Area Music Teachers Association
President: Roberta Grube, rfrinkman@gmail.com

SCVMTA   St. Croix Valley Music Teachers Association
President: Mary Anne Olvera, NCTM, maryanneolvera@gmail.com

SPAMTA   Stevens Point Music Teachers Association
President: Open

WAMTA   Wausau Area Music Teachers Association
President: Open

Resources for Local Associations

501(c)(3) Status:

MTNA Page on Local Associations:

Local Association Grants

Each local association in the state of Wisconsin that holds affiliation with WMTA and MTNA is eligible for these grants on an annual basis.  Descriptions of the grants are below:

Local Association Education/Enrichment Grant–$100.00 maximum per year. The respective local association President shall submit letter to current WMTA state President which describes program proposal.

LA Conference Attendance Award--Annual grant in the sum of $25.00 to the Local Association with highest percentage of members attending the state conference.

LA Conference Mileage Award–Annual grant in the sum of $25.00 to the Local Association with most combined miles traveled to state conference. Members are encouraged to sign up at the conference.

Local Association Member of the Year

Each year, WMTA members are asked to nominate candidates from their own local association for the Local Association Member of the Year award.

The Local Association Member of the Year Award honors a member of WMTA for his/her leadership and achievement, and who has demonstrated significant leadership in support of their local association. This is a WMTA member who has gone above and beyond for the benefit of the organization and for his or her students. These awards are presented at the annual conference.

Eligibility for Award: Given to a current member of the Association who has held membership in their local association for at least three years.

Criteria for Award: Given to a member who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of their association through professional activities within the past three years. Consideration for selection as Member of the Year includes: distinguished service to the profession; active and innovative leadership, and outstanding contributions to their association and their community. Nominees are selected by their local association members for this award.  Each local association may nominate a member each year.

Nominations are due to the state Local Association chair by September 15th of each year. Nominations should include a letter supporting the nomination that can be read at the award ceremony (along with a list of offices held, duties and the reasons for nominating this candidate for the award). These awards are presented each year at the state conference banquet.